Withered With Hurt Completed Published
~ Withered with hurt ~
Part One
Roy Farmhouse...Late Night...Arnav Roy was wide awake in the middle of the night.. Sleep was far away from him today.. Actually, not today but from last many days.. Because finally the blindfold of ego has been washed off from his eyes and he began to realize the blunder he did in the process of satisfying his bruised ego..Arnav still could not believe how brutal he was with Khushi for last few weeks.. How did he able to demean, degrade and hurt Khushi this extend?Is not Khushi is the love of his life? The only woman who holds his heart? Then how could he ignore her and pretend to get close to another woman in front of her ? Arnav wipes the unshed tears from his eyes.. The mere thought about his deeds is giving a chill in his spine.. Then how did Khushi endured all these pain since last one month?and Why he did so? To satisfy his ego? Was his ego too superior than his love for Khushi? or to hide the pain which was brought by his own stupid assumption.Arnav always claims that his love for his Khushi has no bound, has no measure.. It's synonymous like his own name, "Ocean"..He is "ocean" and she is his "happiness".. and their "ocean of happiness" is their daughter Arshi...A few tear drops finally rolled down his cheek remembering Khushi's pale face.. When did he last time looked at her lovingly? When did he last time holds her tenderly in his arms hiding her safe against the cruel world? Instead, he himself pushed her in an ocean of misery... Just to satisfy his elephant size ego. Arnav laughed a mirthless chuckle.. EGO... the origin of all his problem, and this is not the first time he is facing a damage in his relationship due to his unbound rage, irrational thought and bruised ego... and when it comes to Khushi, Arnav knew he always has lost his control over his rage...The question is why?? Was not their relationship strong enough that it cannot withstand a blow which his "ex girlfriend" threw towards them? The answer is simple, No.. No...Their relationship was not strong enough... because it lacks TRUST... and who is responsible for this blunder??The answer is very simple, he, himself.. Arnav Roy may be a pro in cracking a deal but when it comes to handling a relationship Arnav still does not know how to.. Especially when it's comes about the relationship with Khushi..Though the reason was not so pleasant but truth is that, Arnav always has taken Khushi for granted... Not today or yesterday or for last one month but always... every time.. infact since their first meet to till date, Arnav Roy has taken Khushi Gujraal for granted...Why people became so blind that they could not value the person when they are in their life? why after damaging and ruining everything they got realization?? Arnav did not have any answer for that... Because he was, is and will be always the wrong doer to his Khushi.. and every time when Khushi forgives him, hoping that Arnav will not repeat his mistake once again, Arnav too takes several vows mentally to keep his further promises towards Khushi...But oh boy..with time, everything go in vein.. Whenever a slight disagreement occur in his screwed brain, whenever he felt that his family being ignored or his precious di is hurt, or when he himself is being ignored or hurt, He lashed out on Khushi without thinking about the consequences.. and this time, when he FELT that Khushi had not trusted him enough, he choose to punish Khushi by his own way...By distancing himself from her...By always ignoring her..By not receiving any call or message from her for last two weeks..By ignoring the way their daughter Arshi is rudely behaving and hurting her mother Khushi...By not protesting the family member's constant comparison of Mehul and him...But most importantly,By pretending to be close with Saina, his ex girlfriend...Arnav gulp down the uneasiness which was consuming him slowly... The realization not only open his eyes but he died a thousand death remembering how he has behaved and treated Khushi in last few weeks, since the time Saina had entered in Roy Mansion and in his life once again..Any outsider would think that he is falling for his ex flame Saina once again but only Arnav knew what is the actual truth..He got a sadistic satisfaction watching the way Khushi's face lost all her colour whenever he got close to Saina, may be while discussing about their college days or may be while enjoying evening snacks with his family members except Khushi or may be when he took Saina and Mehul for dinner along with Arshi while totally ignoring Khushi.. But the last nail in the coffin was during the basketball match...Arnav clearly remembered how hard Khushi was trying to play the game which he had no idea about. If just he taught her some basic rules of the game just like Akash did with Payal, then Khushi would not felt left out.Instead what he did? He , himself mocked Khushi..Taunting her that she will not be able to play, that this is not "her cup of tea"...As a husband was not it his responsibility to protect his wife and stand by her in any difficult or awkward situation ? Khushi always stands by him, proving her marital vows, but Arnav?? Well, truth to be told, very rare...In the case of dadi, whom Arnav personally never liked, he then supported Khushi.. But other than that, when was the last time, Arnav ever stood besides Khushi in any difficult situations they faced? Instead, he himself put her in difficulties..Arnav closed his eyes in self loathing.. The suffocated feelings are slowly gripping his soul, ripping his heart apart... The realization that how pathetic he was as a husband made him more miserable..Arnav looked at her side where his daughter Arshi was sleeping holding a photo of Khushi, tightly in her embrace..It was all his fault.. In his blinded ego and rage, Arnav did not even spare his daughter. He dragged his daughter, his innocent Arshi in the mess where the little 5 year old child has to face the temporary separation from her mother...all because of him... Arnav felt difficulty in breathing , realizing the unnerving truth that, he not only failed as a husband but also as a father...
************Flashback..Same day...Late evening...Roy Industry... Arnav was trying to read a file in his cabin after office hour but his mind was restless.. He was not able to concentrate on his work.. After all, how could he? For last so many days slowly but steadily his relationship with his beloved wife is getting worse.. And whom to be blame? Though Arnav will not accept but he very well knew that no one but he is to be blame.. Though the egoist AR still holding the part that everything was started by his wife only..Everyday consciously or unconsciously after hurting Khushi, when Arnav used to look at her secretly, his heart used to break a little more piece by piece, used to bleed drop by drop.. and every time he used to feel to rush to her and engulf her in bear hug erasing all the distance between them and tending her broken heart..Arnav badly wanted "them" back but...But...Arnav wanted an apology..an apology from Khushi, that yes she did wrong.. Arnav wanted Khushi to confess...to confess that She has hurt him..But that did not happen..Though Khushi apologized but she blamed his family members too.. She point out that why the family members were constantly comparing Arnav with Mehul and why he is not protesting the matter, at least for once..Ohh.. Come on..What is there to protest? Arnav thought every time.. He himself told Khushi that there is nothing to worry about, because his relationship with Saina is "meant nothing".. and there is no way possible that Mehul is his son.. So, why would he protest his family members about this silly matter.. Arnav even asked Khushi, " Will Mehul became my son if the family members compares him with me? Just ignore it Khushi.. and don't act childish."Instead of removing Khushi's insecurities, Arnav totally ignore her and fuels her imagination by getting close with Saina, and eventually insulting Khushi and making a distance between Khushi and their daughter Arshi...Arnav shook his head as the terrible headache comes back with full force..He wonders, it's headache or the gravity of his sins?Whatever he was doing till now was horrible, unimaginable but yesterday his act crossed all the barrier..Arnav closed the file , rubbed his face to erase the images of yesterday but failed.. Arnav now realised that yesterday's incident will remain with him life long as a nightmare..Yesterday was Arshi's PTM.. Every time it was either only Khushi or both Khushi and Arnav used to attended the meeting. Day before yesterday when Arshi suddenly requested Arnav to take Saina in her PTM, Arnav was surprised..Though for last few days, Arshi's closeness with Saina did not get unnoticed by him.. He initially did not put much thought on this but later when he felt that Khushi is getting hurt, Arnav took it in his favour..How sick he is? Is not he?Arnav knew their daughter blindly loves him and followed his every actions.. and that is the reason Arshi became so close to Saina.. Because she thought Saina aunty is her father's "good friend" and it's okay if she mingle with her.And Arnav clearly remembered when ever he used to take Saina, Mehul and Arshi for dinner leaving Khushi behind to hurt her, Arshi used to say, " Why is mom not with us?" and Arnav used to give the age old explanations of "your mom is busy with family work.. or how could mom leave everyone behind.."Though innocent Arshi felt bad but she was not able to understand the sick mind game of her father's, the intensity of hurt her father was giving her mother and unfortunately she , herself also becoming a part of his father's game..So, when Arshi made the request Arnav grab the opportunity immediately, but in a twisted way.. Arshi wanted Saina to accompany along with her mother and father, but Arnav just eliminate Khushi.... Arnav thought this time Khushi will fought with him, apologize, cry and eventually they will make up.. They will erase the distance between their hearts and everything will be like before..Arshi did not wanted to accept that her mother will not go to PTM, but Arnav told her that after today their fight will be over if Arshi followed what her father is telling...and innocent child just followed it not realizing that she is putting the last nail on her mother shattered soul...But Arnav's plan backfire when Khushi accept the proposal without even protesting for once..Arnav was surprised, shocked and became scared when Khushi smiled saying "yes.. no problem.. let Saina attend the PTM.. After all she has to attend it in near future too.."And the way, her eyes became blank Arnav felt his whole world crushed down in a second.. He sincerely thought that Khushi will fought back then and there, and they will go to PTM together eliminating Saina, as they used to go before, Arnav, Khushi and their Arshi...But Arnav never thought of the possibilities, that Khushi will accept his unreasonable and insulting proposal.. Khushi's whole posture was screaming that she is tired..Tired of holding on the relationship..Tired of facing the insults which her husband was throwing everyday mercilessly..As if, as if Khushi is giving up on their relationship.. and this mere thought send a chill down Arnav's spine. But before he could proceed further Khushi has slowly left the living room and Saina had dragged him out from the house, infront of the family members.. Arnav still remember the frown on his nani's forehead, the open mouth of his mami and the disappointment on his sister's face.. But above all the blank and ashen face of Khushi was haunting his memory and Arnav knew at that very moment that, now this will become his nightmare...The PTM passed like a blur. Arnav was only visualizing Khushi's face all along, he felt a sharp pain when even the class teacher was asking about Arshi's mother...Arnav knew he has done a blunder from the moment Khushi without complain accepted his proposal of Saina being a part of their PTM, but he realized the gravity of the situation only when Arnav found out that Saina was telling Arshi that from now on instead of Khushi, she will accompany in all PTM and most shocking was Saina telling Arshi to call her Saina mom instead of Saina aunty...What does that even mean?Arnav was shocked and surprised seeing Saina's guts but he knew he is only to be blame.. At that moment Arnav thought what the other matters also Saina had told Arshi whenever they were out for dinner without Khushi or whenever he ignored Khushi and accompanied Saina??That was the reason, after dropping Saina at RM, Arnav said about some work excuse and along with Arshi he went to Roy Farmhouse...Arnav badly needed some alone time with Arshi and for himself too..and the revelation of whatever Saina had told to Arshi made him speechless.. Arnav came to know how Saina consciously tried to manipulate and poison the innocent mind of Arshi.. As if Arnav himself was not enough to spoil Khushi and Arshi's relationship, Saina too left no stone unturned..Now Arnav realized what was the reason behind Arshi's behaviour for all those days.. Why she was so rude to Khushi occasionally.. Besides, The whole day and night living in Farmhouse, staying away from everyone, help him to clear his mind too.. Arnav realised in the name of satisfying his ego, he actually had go far..A little too far...The only thought which made Arnav awake the whole night yesterday was that is it too late to redeem? Will Khushi forgive him this time? Because this time, Arnav did not only hurt Khushi but insulted her bringing ANOTHER WOMAN in THEIR life...Arnav's chain of thought was broken when without knock someone barged in his cabin..Arnav was surprised to see a very disappointed yet angry looking Karan infront of him..Then and there, Arnav Roy knew something very big, like a storm, is coming on its way...Now the question is, will he able to survive the storm this time, because the person who has been his light all this while, is far far away from him......He himself had pushed her away.....
He himself had made her, his wife, his Khushi, "Withered : with Hurt...."
To be continued....
***********Author note:" Betrayal in Marriage"... one of the sensitive issue, and my take on this...Waiting for your precious opinion..Stay safe...Love,Mamree31.05.2020
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