The Empire Chapter 1 Two General Of Conquest
G.xdarzethx : jon what happens you look terrible
G.jonnathan : is a long story but is not important
"Oddfox see jon or delirious as a evil empire leader"
G.jonnathan : hmmm i guess that is your girl friend
G.foxy : oh yes she is
Oddfox : please don't made me a soldier
"G.delirious look at oddfox and think"
G.delirious : no im not
G.foxy : wait that easy you just let my girlfriend go
G.delirious : yes I'm just to tired and i know we need to talk why did i made my disition
G.foxy : please tell me
G.delirious : i see your girlfriend scare of me so i think i don't want someone love one gone or die like mine so i want you to make a choice do you still believe in me or just think we are the monster and leave this place
G.foxy : i don't know you help me let me find my girlfriend and care about me and let lewis and josh come with me
Oddfox : xdarzethx am i safe here
Xdarzethx : yes he won't made you a soldier
G.delirious : if you friend want to come here they are welcome
G.foxy : i guess i still want to be here there so many thing i want to know
"Jonathan or delirious feel happy when xdarzethx or funtime foxy want to stay and help him but jon look down and see foxy leg"
G.delirious : your leg. How did you walk and run normal when your leg is beelding and your rag is almost full of your blood
"Xdarzethx or foxy look at his leg and remember"
G.foxy : oh my leg well i got shot and josh put a rag on to slow the bleeding and im half anmatronic and half human so my leg heal a little faster
G.delirious : did you remove the bullet
G.foxy : uh no i did not
G.delirious : come with me I'll get the bullet out you im a doctor as well
G.foxy : huh cool
Oddfox : um can i come with you two
Xdarzethx : no he gonna do a surgeon on my leg
G.delirious : if she want to come than fine if she want to know how to get the bullet out of the person
G.foxy : but
Oddfox : yeah come on xdarzethx just let come with you i want to know how to get the bullet out if he not here and im kinda scary of your two soldier
"Three go to next room to get ready to get the bullet out of xdarzethx leg"
G.delirious : ok come on lay on this table
G.foxy : ok
"Xdarzethx lay in white table as delirious get the thing to get the bullet out and odd fox sit somewhere and watch"
G.delirious : ok now hold still ok
G.foxy : ok
10 minute later
G.delirious : ok now that will do
G.foxy : hey thank jon
Jonathan : 'sign' your welcome
Oddfox : wow that so cool when you get that bullet out
G.foxy : hey since you fix my can you like tell me what happens when I'm gone
G.delirious : no not now we still have something to do plus the base is like almost gone
G.foxy : so are we like gonna have to fix the base
G.delirious : yes
Dark side of delirious : why don't you made her a soldier she will be a good one
G.delirious : shut up
G.foxy : hmm did you say something
G.delirious : nothing just go outside
Đ.S.O.delirious : you won't last long with me I'll take your body and I'll make this empire be come a overlord empire "evil laugh" heeeheee haahaaaah
G.delirious : i won't let this happen not what you did to him
Nebneb : buzz~oddbuzz~fox
Oddfox : wait nebneb
Nebneb : yes~buzz~is me~buzz~did you~buzz~join the em~buzz~pire
Oddfox : nebneb is not what is look like darzeth just need help
Nebneb : you~buzzz~traitor he wi~buzzz~turn you int~buzzz~soldier
Xdarzethx : oddfox let me talk to nebneb
Oddfox : but what if she don't when to talk to you
Xdarzethx : i don't just give the radio to talk with nebneb
Oddfox : ok
"Oddfox have give xdarzethx her radio"
Xdarzethx : nebneb hello is me xdarzethx
Nebneb : what~buzz~do you want
Xdarzethx : just want to talk neb
Nebneb : yeah right~buzz~we won't be friend a~buzz~more and do you fe~buzz~good when made yo~buzz~girlfriend
Xdarzethx : she is not a soldier oddfox is fine i talk to my partner we argee to not made you guy or oddfox become soldier
Nebneb : yeah~buzz~like i believe~buzz~that
Xdarzethx : look just trust me ok im not that kind of evil empire
Nebneb : you kip~buzz~nap people and made th~buzz~a soldier
Xdarzethx : we just need men power and more people to work to get more food and water
Nebneb : you~buzz~monster
"Is already late xdarzethx is too tired to talk more so he think tomorrow"
Xdarzethx : let meet up tomorrow we will talk about this problem
Nebneb : fine~buzz~we meet at the~buzz~gas station deal
Xdarzethx : deal
"Xdarzethx walk to oddfox and give back her radio"
Xdarzethx : hey jon do you have another room
Jonnathan : no there only two room for us your room big enough space for two people
"When xdarzethx hear that he started blushing"
Xdarzethx : he-he w-what do you mean
Jonnathan : what I'm saying is you can let your girlfriend sleep in bed with you"
"Xdarzethx got so shy then his face blush red"
Jonnathan : uh you ok darzeth you face all red
Xdarzethx :................
Jonnathan : ok im gonna drag you to your room
"Oddfox see xdarzethx face red like a strawberry got drag by jon so she come and ask what going"
Jonnathan : your boyfriend won't tell he all red cause i told him his bed is big enough for you both sleep with
"When jon just say that and oddfox started blushing"
Oddfox : w-what
Jonnathan : im not gonna reply my self just help me he so damn heavy
Oddfox :o-k-k i will
G.delirious : night infantry got out here and you other soldier go and get some sleep
Soldier : ok sir
"Later at xdarzethx room"
Oddfox : wow the room is big
Jonnathan : over there that his bed you can sleep with him until me and the other can find some space to make more room
Oddfox : w-what
"And oddfox started blushing agian"
Jonnathan : yep see you both later oh and before i go try to find some thing to snap xdarzethx or funtime foxy out
Oddfox : o-ok
"And than jonnathan or delirious leave and close the door"
Oddfox : why is there a gun in his wall Nevermind
Oddfox : ok oddfox let do this "she slap xdarzethx"
Xdarzethx : oooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!
To be continued
Author : greatfoxsoldier54
Thank for read my thing
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G.jonnathan : is a long story but is not important
"Oddfox see jon or delirious as a evil empire leader"
G.jonnathan : hmmm i guess that is your girl friend
G.foxy : oh yes she is
Oddfox : please don't made me a soldier
"G.delirious look at oddfox and think"
G.delirious : no im not
G.foxy : wait that easy you just let my girlfriend go
G.delirious : yes I'm just to tired and i know we need to talk why did i made my disition
G.foxy : please tell me
G.delirious : i see your girlfriend scare of me so i think i don't want someone love one gone or die like mine so i want you to make a choice do you still believe in me or just think we are the monster and leave this place
G.foxy : i don't know you help me let me find my girlfriend and care about me and let lewis and josh come with me
Oddfox : xdarzethx am i safe here
Xdarzethx : yes he won't made you a soldier
G.delirious : if you friend want to come here they are welcome
G.foxy : i guess i still want to be here there so many thing i want to know
"Jonathan or delirious feel happy when xdarzethx or funtime foxy want to stay and help him but jon look down and see foxy leg"
G.delirious : your leg. How did you walk and run normal when your leg is beelding and your rag is almost full of your blood
"Xdarzethx or foxy look at his leg and remember"
G.foxy : oh my leg well i got shot and josh put a rag on to slow the bleeding and im half anmatronic and half human so my leg heal a little faster
G.delirious : did you remove the bullet
G.foxy : uh no i did not
G.delirious : come with me I'll get the bullet out you im a doctor as well
G.foxy : huh cool
Oddfox : um can i come with you two
Xdarzethx : no he gonna do a surgeon on my leg
G.delirious : if she want to come than fine if she want to know how to get the bullet out of the person
G.foxy : but
Oddfox : yeah come on xdarzethx just let come with you i want to know how to get the bullet out if he not here and im kinda scary of your two soldier
"Three go to next room to get ready to get the bullet out of xdarzethx leg"
G.delirious : ok come on lay on this table
G.foxy : ok
"Xdarzethx lay in white table as delirious get the thing to get the bullet out and odd fox sit somewhere and watch"
G.delirious : ok now hold still ok
G.foxy : ok
10 minute later
G.delirious : ok now that will do
G.foxy : hey thank jon
Jonathan : 'sign' your welcome
Oddfox : wow that so cool when you get that bullet out
G.foxy : hey since you fix my can you like tell me what happens when I'm gone
G.delirious : no not now we still have something to do plus the base is like almost gone
G.foxy : so are we like gonna have to fix the base
G.delirious : yes
Dark side of delirious : why don't you made her a soldier she will be a good one
G.delirious : shut up
G.foxy : hmm did you say something
G.delirious : nothing just go outside
Đ.S.O.delirious : you won't last long with me I'll take your body and I'll make this empire be come a overlord empire "evil laugh" heeeheee haahaaaah
G.delirious : i won't let this happen not what you did to him
Nebneb : buzz~oddbuzz~fox
Oddfox : wait nebneb
Nebneb : yes~buzz~is me~buzz~did you~buzz~join the em~buzz~pire
Oddfox : nebneb is not what is look like darzeth just need help
Nebneb : you~buzzz~traitor he wi~buzzz~turn you int~buzzz~soldier
Xdarzethx : oddfox let me talk to nebneb
Oddfox : but what if she don't when to talk to you
Xdarzethx : i don't just give the radio to talk with nebneb
Oddfox : ok
"Oddfox have give xdarzethx her radio"
Xdarzethx : nebneb hello is me xdarzethx
Nebneb : what~buzz~do you want
Xdarzethx : just want to talk neb
Nebneb : yeah right~buzz~we won't be friend a~buzz~more and do you fe~buzz~good when made yo~buzz~girlfriend
Xdarzethx : she is not a soldier oddfox is fine i talk to my partner we argee to not made you guy or oddfox become soldier
Nebneb : yeah~buzz~like i believe~buzz~that
Xdarzethx : look just trust me ok im not that kind of evil empire
Nebneb : you kip~buzz~nap people and made th~buzz~a soldier
Xdarzethx : we just need men power and more people to work to get more food and water
Nebneb : you~buzz~monster
"Is already late xdarzethx is too tired to talk more so he think tomorrow"
Xdarzethx : let meet up tomorrow we will talk about this problem
Nebneb : fine~buzz~we meet at the~buzz~gas station deal
Xdarzethx : deal
"Xdarzethx walk to oddfox and give back her radio"
Xdarzethx : hey jon do you have another room
Jonnathan : no there only two room for us your room big enough space for two people
"When xdarzethx hear that he started blushing"
Xdarzethx : he-he w-what do you mean
Jonnathan : what I'm saying is you can let your girlfriend sleep in bed with you"
"Xdarzethx got so shy then his face blush red"
Jonnathan : uh you ok darzeth you face all red
Xdarzethx :................
Jonnathan : ok im gonna drag you to your room
"Oddfox see xdarzethx face red like a strawberry got drag by jon so she come and ask what going"
Jonnathan : your boyfriend won't tell he all red cause i told him his bed is big enough for you both sleep with
"When jon just say that and oddfox started blushing"
Oddfox : w-what
Jonnathan : im not gonna reply my self just help me he so damn heavy
Oddfox :o-k-k i will
G.delirious : night infantry got out here and you other soldier go and get some sleep
Soldier : ok sir
"Later at xdarzethx room"
Oddfox : wow the room is big
Jonnathan : over there that his bed you can sleep with him until me and the other can find some space to make more room
Oddfox : w-what
"And oddfox started blushing agian"
Jonnathan : yep see you both later oh and before i go try to find some thing to snap xdarzethx or funtime foxy out
Oddfox : o-ok
"And than jonnathan or delirious leave and close the door"
Oddfox : why is there a gun in his wall Nevermind
Oddfox : ok oddfox let do this "she slap xdarzethx"
Xdarzethx : oooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!
To be continued
Author : greatfoxsoldier54
Thank for read my thing
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