Hp When Time Isn T Enough
Ares, Greek God of War-Saying we were a happy family might have been pushing it, but we loved each other to death. My papa and my daddy adored each other and they both doted on me. They would have done the same for Lils.Sometimes, I like to think back on how my birth would have happened. The decision to have a child when they were in that position couldn't have been an easy one. I mean, how many couples don't procreate because of money reasons? I wish it was something that simple. No; my parents had a crazy bastard wanting the both of them dead. It was comforting to know that they wanted me. There was nothing more heart-warming than to know that your parents had gone to such lengths just to bring you into their world. Dad had tried for so long to figure out how that potion would have worked, and had tried so many different combinations that should have worked. I wish I could have seen the happiness on his face when he discovered he had finally worked it all out. It would have been so good to see the look on Papa's face when he told him.Papa always told me that they knew who my surrogate mother was going to be the moment they met her. He knew straight away that she would be the one to carry the child of him and his loved one. I like to imagine I was created out of love. -Scorpius couldn't remember how it happened. At one point, he, his dad and his papa were enjoying their time together, and then they were split up. His papa was taken off to Dumbledore's office to discuss the final step they had planned in the war. It was official. This attack on the Death Eaters would be their last. From what Severus had passed on, the Death Eaters were at their worst yet, and Voldemort's attention would be divided.He didn't say how or why Voldemort wouldn't be completely focused, though.He had also brought back with him someone who shocked their system.Bellatrix Lestrange, tied down to a chair, was positioned in the middle of Albus' office, cursing them all for their attempts on her Lord's life.Even though Voldemort had betrayed her for a snake, she said nothing that would have endangered him."You all will die," she hissed, leering at Remus. "The Dark Lord...""Betrayed you? Sold you out for his pregnant snake?" Severus smirked, eyeing Bellatrix. "You were, after all, meant to be his lover, weren't you? It was you who was supposed to provide him with an heir?"Her eyes narrowed as she glowered at the spy. "Do what you will to me, but I will never betray my Lord's trust in me."Severus snorted. "He kicked you out for attacking Nagini. He doesn't care about you anymore. He told me to do anything I wanted to do to you...""He got his pet snake pregnant?" Harry asked, his brain finally catching up. He hoped to hell that his stomach would never get that information. He was certain the knowledge would surely cause him to empty his stomach. "That's just sick...and impossible...""The Dark Lord can do anything he puts his mind to," Bellatrix bragged haughtily."Including his snake. That's more than a little bit disgusting."Her eyes flickered with rage at that. "My Lord found out how to turn her human. It's not as disgusting as you assume." It clearly pained her to say such things."Why defend him?" Remus asked, sighing heavily. "Why defend a man who left you for an animal? I know that if my lover ran off with any pet we might have, I'd want to hex his balls off at the least."That received a scoff from Harry, who was then glared at by Severus."I'd probably do the same, though there'd probably be a lot of crying on my behalf," Harry agreed after he cleared his throat.Those words just seemed to piss Bellatrix off more. "You and my nephew...that's what's disgusting. A boy like him would abandon his entire family for you. It's wrong. He had so much potential...""He's not a murderer," Harry argued firmly. "And what he found because of it is a family who'll love him always."She sneered. "He lost everything. Do you think you can make him happy? Do you think it's so easy for him to turn away from everything he's ever known?" She scoffed and settled into the chair, acting as if she wasn't chained to it. "You're wrong. He was raised to be the perfect little Death Eater. Whatever he might be now won't make him happy. You'll take away from him everything he learnt as a child. It would disgust you to know half of what he knows."Harry turned away, uninterested in what she was saying. He knew that Draco had been raised that way. He knew that Draco had been expected to be the most loyal Death Eater yet, but he couldn't help but overlook those things. Knowing the life Scorpius had lived through would be enough to change anybody's mind. Hell, if Scorpius had been on the other side of the war, Harry probably would have changed, if only to keep his son safe and happy. He wanted to make the best life possible for his family, and was sure that Draco wanted the same."I know I can make him happy," Harry claimed, folding his arms over his chest as he forced himself to look back at the Death Eater. "What about you? Can you make your loved one happy? Oh, that's right; he's in love with a snake. You weren't even good enough to beat a low reptile in a competition for his love. I bet he's never once considered soiling himself by being inside you. And yet, he's been with Nagini. He's starting a life with her. How the hell does someone lose out to a snake like that? Either you have to be that pathetically disgusting, or he's just that damn twisted and fucked up in the head."By that point, tears of anger had started to well in her eyes."Now, now, Harry," Albus sighed heavily. "That wasn't appropriate.""Despite how correct it was," Remus agreed, placing himself against the desk so that he was next to Harry. "It's gotta sting to hear that.""Tell us what you know about Lord Voldemort and we'll try to get you a lesser sentence. You might be able to keep your soul," Albus bargained softly, moving around his desk to stand in front of Bellatrix. "You're not doing yourself any good by keeping the information from us."She shook her head angrily. "I'll never tell you anything about him! He might have chosen that snake over me, but that doesn't stop my love for him!"There was a twinkle in Albus' eyes as he raised an ancient eyebrow. Harry didn't like this look on the old wizard. It was nearly sadistic. "You'd rather die than tell us what Voldemort's been planning?""Yes," she hissed out, low and under her breath."Then you shall suffer in perhaps the worst way imaginable." Before she could question him, he had grabbed a vial of a clear liquid from his robes. "Severus supplied me with this a few days ago. Truth serum, my dear. You'll tell us everything you know and you won't even be tortured for it."The tears spilt over, wetting her cheeks, in an instant, "I'll never betray my Lord...""You're not getting a choice."With that, he motioned to Severus, who moved behind the witch to assist Albus in pouring the potion down her throat. She hacked at first, struggled against the two men as she tried to refuse the potion, but was forced to do so when Albus cast a spell that would lessen the muscles he directed. He had her swallow every drop he had forced into her mouth."Now that that's done, I want to know about everything."From the look on her face, Harry was certain she was about to swallow her own tongue. The very last thing she wanted to do was give away the secrets of her loved one.However, she spilt the answer to every question they had asked.-Draco nearly jumped as he felt Harry's arms wrap around his waist. He and Scorpius had relocated to the Room of Requirement, knowing it would be complicated for Harry to return to the Slytherin dorms."What's wrong?" Draco asked, leaning back into Harry's chest. Scorpius tried his hardest not to grin at his parent's actions toward each other, so he turned around instead."Voldemort's having a child.""Excuse me?""Yeah...he knocked up his pet snake."Draco shuddered and Scorpius turned to look at them again. "Are you for real? That's insane...and disgusting and it certainly didn't happen in my time...""He's turned her human and got her pregnant. They're preparing an attack for tonight." Harry let out a heavy sigh. "You're happy, right?"The blonde moved around so he could face Harry. "Of course I am.""It's not too big of a change for you? Being on this side of the war, I mean?"Grey eyes became concerned. "Why are you thinking about that? I'm happy here with you and Scorpius. It's perfect-everything I've ever wanted. I might have agreed with the Dark Lord to begin with, but things change and I'm okay with that. If I had continued that way, I'd never have a choice in anything I'd do. I'd be forced to marry someone You-Know-Who chose. I wouldn't have a say in it at all. I'm happy loving the person I have children with, Harry. I'd never change that."Scorpius grinned, watching his parents. He couldn't express how much he missed them and was beyond cheerful to see his dad's change."So what's happening tonight?" Scorpius asked, gaining attention from his parents."You will be locked up in here, under your Cloak, and will not move until we come and get you personally...and even then, you're not to show yourself, not until we're here for an hour," Harry ordered.Scorpius raised an eyebrow. "You really think someone's gonna show up under the Polyjuice?" He had expected this of his papa."Yes.""I'm coming with you," Draco stated, leaning back in Harry's arms."No you're not," Harry instantly argued. The last thing he wanted was for either of the blondes in his family to get involved in this battle. "You can stay here and help protect the castle, but you're not heading out there to stop it. That's for us Order members.""So I can go," Scorpius figured. "I'm a member of the Order of the Phoenix, remember?"Draco cuffed him upside his head. "You're not going anywhere...you barely know how to use your wand.""I can pour potions over people...!""You're staying in here, Scorpius. You might think that you can fight, but you can't."Green eyes narrowed into a glare, showing Scorpius' unhappiness at that particular decision. "I'm strong enough, Dad. Unlike you, I lived through it. Out of all of us in this room, I'm the only one who hasn't been killed by Voldemort.""That's enough," Harry said sternly, his voice nearly scaring Draco. His son, on the other hand, had heard it before. "Have you ever fought against him, Scorpius? Do you know what it's like to face that monster? You might have survived, but I don't recall you ever telling us that you actually met him on the battlefield, or stepped onto any battlefield to begin with. Unlike you, I know how terrifying it is...""You think I don't know how terrifying it is? I was scared out of my mind whenever you went off on a raid. I never knew if you were coming back or not and that frightened me more than anything else. If I can live through that, I can live through a battle. I outlived both my parents before I was sixteen." Angry tears splashed down his cheeks. "I'm the son of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. I am the heir of two of the most powerful bloodlines in our world-do you think that's something to be taken lightly? You had to keep me a secret from Voldemort because you know he'd want me on his side or dead. I know what it's like to be scared all the time. I've been ready for this all my life. If Uncle Sev didn't think I was ready, he never would have sent me back.""I'm certain he didn't intend on letting you fight. Besides, I've trained enough to finish the job. We don't need your help.""Fine, I'll help Dad.""No you won't," Draco objected, just like Harry did. "My father at least trained me. You've had next to no training...""Uncle Sev trained me..."It didn't convince either of them."You're not fighting at all, Scorpius, and that's final."Draco was nearly impressed by Harry's treatment. For someone who hadn't known his parents, he certainly knew how to get the tone right.-Albus got to evacuating as many students as he possibly could. The only issue was that they had to keep it all silent so that the spies wouldn't find out and tell Voldemort. They were prepared for his attack, but if he knew that they knew, he'd know about Severus. The Floo network was opened up so that the students could be sent to the Ministry of Magic and did so when the students had their free periods. Once the free students were out of the castle, the first year students were next. The area they were taken to was to be supervised at all times, just to make sure that the spies didn't find out. It was also in this room that the students were checked for the Dark Mark, along with any Dark items, similar to the coins Hermione had fashioned all those years ago, just in case someone had used that particular idea. All wands were confiscated.By the third period, four students had been taken to the Aurors with the Mark. It shocked them to discover they were as young as fourteen. They were promptly arrested.Fifth period had every student relocated to the Ministry, and nineteen arrests. Several had the Dark Mark, whereas others had Dark items. Pansy Parkinson and two six-year Slytherins were the only ones to have both on them. However, the Death Eaters weren't solely in Slytherin. Five of the caught were from Ravenclaw; one was Marked, the other four had an item or two.There was something that didn't get past Crispin's eyes. He had instantly noticed Scorpius' absence. Hell, Theo had been brought along with them, as had Granger and the Weasleys. And yet, Scorpius, Draco and Harry were missing."Well, we can't blame Potter for not being here," Julius sighed under his breath, looking over to the line of Gryffindors. They were the only House that remained whole. The other ones lost a few members due to the arrests. "Who would have thought there'd be Hufflepuff Death Eaters?""We did," Crispin grinned, his elbow in Julius' ribs. "I told you Parks was one. He was always dashing off with Parkinson.""At least that means she's still not getting laid."Both boys shuddered simultaneously."You know, maybe we should have told the Order about this...""About Parkinson and the possibility of someone...?""No, you wanker...""Please don't say 'wank' that soon after Parkinson's been mentioned...that's just nasty..." Julius cut himself off short as an Auror walked passed. "We've known about half of these people for so long...It was wrong of us not to speak up. We could have told Theo or Draco and they would have passed it on to the Order and...""And they'd want proof. They'd want to know how they found out. And to do that, they'd have to rat us out and I'd rather not have all the Death Eaters know that we're actually against them. We mightn't be the most Slytherin of Slytherins out there, but I'm Slytherin enough to admit I don't wanna be the rat in the snake pit."Julius raised an eyebrow at his best friend. "How long have you been hanging on to that particular proclamation?"A grin cracked open on Crispin's face. "Years, buddy. It's been years since that one came into my head."The laughter couldn't be prevented, but it ended in harsh choking as they tried to stop after Minerva glared at them. Severus took over."Would you like to explain what's so funny?" he asked, using the tone he reserved for his students.They both shook their heads. "Though, is there any chance you could tell us what's going on? If there's going to be an attack at Hogwarts, you can't very well expect the DA to stay out of it. They must be plotting..." Crispin quelled his words as Severus' eyes flashed angrily."And what makes you think that's the case?""The fact that Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are missing, sir. I'm quite certain they weren't simply overlooked and are using the alone time to shag each other silly..." His sentence was yet again cut short by the look he received. Julius found it amusing, at least. "And Scorpius is missing, too. I know Sir Potter would have told you about his return."A raised eyebrow had Crispin rethinking his words."Sir Potter?" Severus asked."He is the son of the legendary Prongs, after all," Julius piped up, looking as proud as ever. "Even if You-Know-Who destroys him and feeds him to his snake, Sir Potter will always be our hero."Severus rolled his eyes. "Keep your theories to yourself, boys. I don't want to hear you saying anything like that.""How about in another language?""I can't speak another language..." Crispin argued."I guess you don't have to worry about that, sir."Their Head of House turned on his heel to walk away, though nearly ran into Remus, who had come up beside him."Oh! Thanks for the invite to the wedding!" Julius thanked, a wicked smirk on his face as he waved his professors farewell.Within seconds, Remus' face had gone beet red, just proving what Scorpius had said to be true."Are you for real?" Crispin asked, eyeing the two of them. "There's no way our legendary Moony would..." His mouth continued to move, but his voice wasn't working. Severus had cast a silencing charm on the boy. He saw Julius open his mouth to take over, but he received the same treatment."That's enough," Severus hissed. "If I hear you two talking about things you shouldn't be talking about,"And with that, both professors left them. It wasn't until several minutes later that the two children were given back the ability to speak.-The attack was well on its way to becoming a fully fledged war, Scorpius observed, as he walked through the carnage it had already created, even though the first Death Eater had been captured only three minutes ago. Hidden under his Cloak, he strayed out onto the battle field, ignoring the words of both his parents, as he focused on helping them out. As far as he could see, there were duels breaking out between the two sides, some ending in a flash of green, others ending with ropes as the Death Eaters were bound.He searched for his parents, knowing that his papa was further out towards the GreatLake and his dad would be closer to the castle. Carefully, Scorpius dodged the unaware fighters, making sure he stayed well away from the blasts of light spewing forth from various wands. The last thing he really needed to do was get caught by a crossfire.He couldn't see Voldemort anywhere. Regardless to what he had told his parents, he was terrified of that creature. He had destroyed his life; taken everything away from him. And now, he had the chance to witness his papa kill that monster. It was something he'd waited his whole life to see.Scorpius nearly jumped out of his skin when bumped into someone, so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice them. The Death Eater looked around wildly, trying to locate where that force had come from, until Scorpius pulled his wand from his satchel and Stunned the older man. He was barely thrown back. Swearing under his breath, Scorpius turned and ran, determined not to be caught, despite the fact he was invisible.-Remus whirled around when he heard a familiar growl. The full moon was many nights away, but he knew of a werewolf who had taken to feasting on humans while he was still in his man form.He came face to face with the same wolf that had turned him all those years ago."Greyback," he greeted cordially, though he felt the bile rise in his throat at the sight of blood covering the older wolf's chin. The werewolf wasn't using his wand, Remus noticed, and had instead gone for the raw strength he had. Failing to surprise Remus, he launched himself at the smaller werewolf, his teeth instantly going for Remus' throat. Defensively, Remus raised his arms, catching Greyback by his shoulders and shoving him away roughly, showing that he, too, had the strength of a werewolf.The feral man got back up, repeating the attack.-"You want in on it, right?"Crispin looked up sharply as Theo stepped up behind him. He and Julius had taken to sitting on the ground, sighing heavily at each professor and prefect that walked past."In on what?""The battle. I know you know it's happening. We need to get there."Julius took very little time to make up his mind. "Yeah, we want in. However, we can't Apparate. We might be amazing, but Splinching is never high on the 'want' list.""And, well, breaking federal laws is also against that," Crispin added. "They're fighting for our freedom, and there's nothing we can do about it."Theo nodded his head before he dragged the two of them up by their elbows. "Come with me."And with that, he pulled them into the shadows, where the majority of the DA was hiding. "Got it all sorted yet, Granger?"Hermione nodded her head, waiting for the opportune moment. When she saw an Auror Apparate into the room, she Apparated out with a twist of her body. Everyone else followed suit, side-Apparated where needed. When they appeared in Hogsmeade, Ron got around to distributing the stolen wands around."Remember everything Harry's taught you over the years. When you see a Death Eater, don't hesitate. Blast him. Do whatever you can to stop them from moving. Take their wands-snap them if it's necessary. You got it?" he briefed, glancing over the handful they had gotten out of the Ministry. When they all nodded their heads in affirmation, they took off.-Scorpius caught a flash of blonde hair as he saw his dad head towards the castle, hot on the heels of a Death Eater who had gotten past. And then he spotted his papa.Watching his papa in action was one of the most amazing things of his life. Harry cast hex after hex as he tried to stop the Death Eaters, waiting for Voldemort so he could finally finish him off.Another batch of blonde caught his eye and before he knew it, his grandfather was in front of him, unknowingly so. Worse yet, he was fighting against the Order members.As Lucius raised his wand, pointing it at Tonks, Scorpius ran out between them, grabbing his grandfather's wand from his hand."Grandfather!" he cried out, taking off the Cloak. "You can't do this. If you choose Voldemort's side..."Lucius silenced him by closing the distance between them. For the first time in his life, Scorpius felt the embrace of one of his grandparents."Scorpius," Lucius breathed softly, lowering his head to his grandson's shoulder. "You shouldn't be here. Go back into the castle...""If you stay here, you'll never get to see me in the future. In my time, I never met you. You were never around, Grandfather. But I want the other me to know you and Grandmother. Trust me, if you go through with Voldemort, your grandchildren will never know you. Please..."Lucius held him tighter. "I know. Just...go back inside. It's safer for you in there. I'll protect your parents, no matter what.""Grandfather...""Go."The older Malfoy took his wand back and turned his back on his grandson, this time taking out the Death Eater Tonks was duelling with. He didn't stay to see if Scorpius got back or not, knowing that he wouldn't have been able to see anyway. It tore at him, though, knowing that he couldn't take care of his grandson.-Albus calmly looked up as the door to his office opened. He couldn't imagine how anyone would have gotten up to him so soon, or how they used the password, but what he saw nearly shocked his old heart into skipping a beat.Standing before him was a creature he had lost so many years ago. The last time he had seen her, she was nothing more than a few years old. And now, she was as strangely beautiful as he had last created her to be.Her breathing was laboured as she stood to her full height (clumsily so), resting a clawed hand on the doorhandle behind her for extra help."I never thought...I'd ssssssssssssee you again," she literally hissed out, struggling slightly with her words. "My dearessssssssst love...had told me you had obtained...high praissssssssse for the work...you have done in your...life."Blue eyes widened as Albus realised just who she was. "Nagini? Of all the snakes...""We wonder if you'd be assssssssss appreciated if they knew...how you got ssssssssso ssssssssssstrong, Albussssssssss Dumbledore," she continued, her free hand resting protectively on her stomach again."You're pregnant," Albus observed. "You're the one carrying his child...""Do they know what you did?!"Albus stood, causing Nagini to grasp at the dagger attached to her hip. "My dear, the fact that you're carrying that baby is enough to warrant your death. Put the weapon down and I'll make it as painless as possible."She shook her head, wrapping her arms around her stomach as she backed away, coming in contact with the door. "Tom told me I could...kill you. It isssssssss my right to kill you!"The old man shook his head, advancing towards her. "That child in your belly is nothing our world has ever seen before, Nagini. It cannot survive. You cannot possibly give birth to a child that is half human and half snake...""My DNA...Tom changed it...I will have a human baby with my lover."Those eyes darkened. "That child won't see the light of day."-Harry paused when he saw Voldemort. The Dark Lord finally entered the battle field, with no one by his side. His usually Death Eater-flanked sides were bare. No one was there to cover him. Harry watched as red eyes darted across the scene, taking in how few Death Eaters remained as two of his own battled against them, siding with the Order of the Phoenix.Then he looked up at the castle, his eyes lingering where Harry knew to be Albus' office. The two of them saw a shadow move before a loud hissing reached their ears. It was a scream of pain, Harry instantly recognised.Voldemort cringed at the sound before his eyes turned to Harry, making contact. He knew exactly what had happened in that office and was more than pissed off."Dearest Harry," he greeted, bowing lightly. "I see Severus tipped the Order off about this attack.""Indeed he did," Harry replied nonchalantly. He readjusted his grip on his wand, feeling it begin to slip as he started to sweat.Voldemort sighed heavily. "Who's to say my Killing Curse will work this time? For that very reason, I won't use it. It'll be too boring to kill you with it and too much of a risk for me to use it."And with that, the duel began, his first hex being the Cruciatus. Harry dodged it easily, having an idea that that would have been Voldemort's first move. Remembering everything he had been taught, Harry protected himself from the oncoming attacks, but knew it wasn't going to work. Their wands were still connected through Fawkes' feather.That was where the training really came in handy. He dodged Voldemort's every attack, not wanting to complete that connection through defensive spells, moving closer and closer to the dark wizard with every step until he was close enough for the final blow.With a hastily muttered spell, Harry transfigured a nearby stone into a dagger. It was in his hand in a matter of seconds and then lodged in Voldemort's chest before the old wizard knew what was happening.-Draco's feet stopped abruptly when he reached Albus' office. He had heard the hissing and had a feeling he knew what was going on. When he walked in, he found Albus sitting calmly behind his desk. In the middle of the room was Nagini's dead body. Her throat had been slashed by the looks of things, and a second wound had opened up her stomach.It was perhaps the most revolting sight Draco had ever seen. He had to cover his mouth with his hand to stop himself from vomiting."Sir?""She killed herself, choosing death over losing her child to us," Albus explained, running a hand through his beard. It shocked Draco to see him looking so disappointed. "She slashed her abdomen, destroying the child, before she slit her own throat. How Tom could do something this shocking is beyond me."Draco nodded his head before he turned away.He would never know why Albus was so disappointed with the loss of that baby.-Severus used the Killing Curse for, what he hoped to be, the last time in his life. The lifeless body of Greyback fell onto Severus' lover, who was exceedingly thankful for him.When Remus stood, Severus was by his side instantly, helping him to stay standing. The werewolf was covered in blood, which was both his own and Greyback's."Are you okay?" Severus asked softly, his hand running up and down Remus' back comfortingly."Yeah. Just a little beaten."Severus couldn't have been more thankful."What of Harry?""He won."-The Death Eaters were quickly rounded up. Now that their lord had died, there was nothing left for them to do. The Aurors arrested them on sight, binding them.There were two in Death Eater robes who raised suspicion, though. Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy donned the black cloaks and the masks were found with them, but both denied their roles as Death Eaters. Albus was there in a heartbeat to vouch for Severus and Harry was there for Lucius.Draco was in his arms moments after the Aurors turned away to deal with other business. Harry returned the embrace, feeling relieved his future-husband was safe."And Scorpius?" Lucius asked, his eyes avoiding the scene before him. He didn't particularly want to see his son all over Harry Potter."He should be safe in the castle. I told him not to get involved," Harry answered confidently. He was generally surprised when Severus started to call out to the youngest Malfoy. "What? He would have listened...""He's got Potter blood in him," Severus objected as he continued to search for the blonde child."Shit..."Draco had already started to run back into the castle, headed straight for the Room of Requirement.-Harry started as he heard Theo's voice. In a move that had stirred Harry's stomach into a storm, he had taken to checking all the dead bodies, just to make sure his son wasn't one of them. Amongst his search, he had found Charlie, dead from the Avada Kedavra.He ran over to Theo (how the Slytherin got there was a completely different question) and stood by him as Theo pointed to a patch of pink hair on the outskirts of the forest. Every now and then, when the wind picked up, he could see more of the body. Realising it was someone under and Invisibility Cloak, Harry took off, running as fast as his legs would let him. He was by the person's side in seconds, lifting the Cloak off him."Oh god," he breathed, noticing his son, despite the blood covering him."Scorpius."
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