
Hee Min Lee One Shots

Doppelganger! Hee-min x oc x Hee-min

Should I continue this with a lemon/ smut? Be sure to let me know ;)

Daria frantically searches the classrooms for Hee-min the two friends had been separated by the janitor.

Daria enters the dance studio room in order to hide from the janitor who was scoring the halls.

Daria stands behind the closed door and listens as the janitor walks passed the doors and down the hallway.

Upon not hearing anymore sounds from the hallway Daria relaxes and closes her eyes leaning her head back against the door as she catches her breath.

"Daria?" Hee-Min's voice says from inside the room causing Daria to jump and look around.

Daria stands to her feet and looks around the dark room before the lights suddenly cut on causing her to jump again.

Daria walks to the middle of the room and looks around before her eyes landed on Hee-Min who was in the mirror.

Daria's eyes go wide unsure what to do or say.

"Hee-min?" Daria asks walking a little closer to the mirror with cautious steps.

"Yeah. It's me, Daria." Doppelganger Hee-min says playfully rolling his yellow/ gold eyes.

Daria takes a step back upon noticing he didn't have the familiar warm brown eyes. These yellow/ gold eyes had a look of hunger and lust.

"You're not Hee-min..." Daria says hugging herself as she continued to walk backwards.

The Doppelganger chuckles and gives Daria a handsome smirk, "Ah, but you are both right and wrong Dear Daria. I'm both not and am Hee-Min Lee." The mirror Hee-min walks forward causing Daria to panic slightly as he walked out the mirror.

"I represent the side of Hee-Min that he keeps hidden from you." Doppelganger Hee-Min says walking directly out the mirror, stalking toward the scared Daria.

"His nightmares, his not so pleasant thoughts..." Doppelganger Hee-Min says as he begins to corner Daria, "And his sexual desires~" The Doppelganger now has Daria trapped between him and the back wall, leaning down to whisper the last line in her ear.

Daria blushes heavily as Doppelganger Hee-min buries his face into the space between her neck and shoulder.

"S-stop-" Daria stutters as Doppelganger Hee-Min kisses her neck affectionately.

"H-Hee-min..." Daria whimpers as Doppelganger Hee-Min wraps his arms around her waist to pull her closer.

The door suddenly kicks open and the real Hee-Min is revealed, pissed, as he storms over.

Hee-Min grabs his Doppelganger by the collar and throws him across the room before standing protectively in front of Daria.

Daria sniffs and buries her face into Hee-Min's back.

Doppelganger Hee-Min stands to his feet with creak and chuckles, "Glad of you to join us other me." He teases Hee-min, whose glare hardens.

"Now, now. I wouldn't do anything to our dear Daria without you." Doppelganger Hee-min purrs with a chuckle.

Hee-min stiffens as the Doppelganger got closer to him and Daria, whom was still hiding behind him in fear.

The Doppelganger disappears causing Daria and Hee-Min to look frantically around the room for him.

Hee-Min sensing the Doppelganger left for now turns to Daria.

"Did he hurt? Are you alright?" Hee-Min asks checking her body over for injuries.

"I-I'm okay. Thank you for saving me. Again." Daria says with small shy smile that Hee-min adored, he could hear his doppelganger telling him to kiss her but he pushes the voice from his mind.

"Why do you have doppelganger?" Daria asks him snapping him out of the inappropriate thoughts the Doppelganger had begun to put into his mind.

"An incident happened and it ended up making a doppelganger of me. It was meant to kill me but instead it just became a nuisance." Hee-Min explained to Daria neither of them noticing the Doppelganger behind Hee-min who placed a hand over his heart like he was offended.

"So what he said is true? He's the form of your negative emotions and thoughts?" Daria asks Hee-min looking up at him with curious eyes.

Hee-Min gives a small nod, "That and his sexual desires for you." The Doppelganger speaks up and Daria feels a hand cup her left butt cheek, effectively making her jump about  feet in the air while Hee-min smacks his Doppelganger's hand away from Daria.

The Doppelganger stares at his hand with a devious and flirty smirk.

"Nice ass. It's firm and bouncy at the same time~ Just the way we like it, isn't that right Hee-min~" The Doppelganger teases Hee-min causing him to blush and avoid everyone's eyes.

"I wonder how it would feel for her to bounce on your-" The Doppelganger finds Hee-Min's fist connecting to his cheek causing him to go flying into the mirror.

"Geez humans have no sense of humor..." The Doppelganger says.

Hee-min turns to Daria, "Ignore him, he eventually goes away if I ignore him enough." 
Daria gives a small nod as she tiredly sits down on the floor, Hee-min was about to do the same when his Doppelganger spoke in his mind, 'You know she's in the perfect position to suck you-'

Hee-min smacks his head causing Daria to look at him confused and concerned.

Daria seeing that it seemed like Hee-min was at war with himself thinks about what she learned.

"Hee-min do you lust for me?" Daria asks curious as she tilts her head cutely.

Hee-min blushes, "Oh, he does more than lust for you. Once he had a wet dream about you. He'd sometimes catch himself staring at your butt when you walk. Or he'd day dream about holding you in his arms and peppering your face with kisses. Oh, and let's not get started on that time you guys went to the beach. He couldn't get the thought of you out of his head. This guy has had a crush on you since-" The Doppelganger rants before Hee-Min swiftly cut him off with by smacking him across the face with a large paper fan.

Hee-min let's out a nervous chuckle, "Let's just drop this conversation please." Hee-min said avoiding her eyes.

* "Okay, we'll drop the conversation, but don't think you're getting away that easily."

* "So you do lust for me, huh? Well let's take care of that problem in your pants" (lemon)

"Okay, we'll drop the conversation, but don't think you're getting away that easily." Daria tells him as she stands back to her feet and smiles up at him.

Hee-min relaxes, happy that Daria wasn't mad or disgusted by him.

"We need to find the others anyway.  Who knows what could happen." Daria said leading the way out the dance studio.

Hee-Min looks to his Doppelganger who shrugs and goes back into his body before Hee-min follows Daria out the room.

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