
Beyblade Burst Shalt One Shots

"WHat the hell!?" Val yelled as she wake up in Shu's room.

"What am I doing here in Shu's house and his bedroom!?" Val said as she get out from bed but she felt weird like she been so tall somehow

"Why am I feeling like I suddenly grown soooooo tall." Val mumbled as seeing her hands. They were pale white and manly like a boy's hands.

"..............." Val sweat dropped as sense something wrong she run to Mirror as see her reflection.

".......I am in.......Shu's body.....HAHSHQHSHQHSUWBFJWNDJDJFNEDUDNCJDJDNWJRJWIEBWUBWSUSHSUSHDBQIS" Val panicked and starting running around lol crazy

With Shu

"......Okay! It is a dream!" Shu said to himself as seeing himself in Val's body.

"Let's wake up!" Shu pinch himself and feel pain.

"Oww!!.....It's not a dream" Shu said as blush and seeing her whole body the slowly touch her small boobs.

"...........She surly have small but cute boobs!~" Sue said as blush more but stop himself

"This ain't right!! She is a girl and I should respect it!" Sue said and frown.

"........................." Shu waited but then squeeze her boobs.

"So cute!~ ❤" Shu blush and keep it up

"Valt! You're gonna get late for school!!" Chicharu aka Valt's mom burst the door

"Aahhh!!? I am sorry!! I didn't mean it!!" Shu blush and shocked and apologizing Chicharu.

"Huh? Are you alright?' Chicharu asked and confused at Shu's behavior as he was in Val's body

"Huh!? Y-Yeah aunty- I mean m-mom" Shu sweat drop and feeling awkward to call Chicharu mom

"Hm? now come and eat breakfast " chichua said and leave as Shu nod and sigh in relief

With Val

"Hm? Shu's dad is callin' " Val was getting ready for school but see Shu's phone ringing

"Hello? Morning, dad." Val turn it on and awnser it

"Hey, son! Hope you doing well!~" Shu's dad replied with gentle voice

"Y-Yeah...And you?" Val asked and feeling awkward

"Oh, We are good. I just wanna say sorry that I couldn't take you to amusement park. I am very busy these days, you see. I am really sorry." Dad apologize and now sounds sad

"Nah! Its fine! I understand you must be ready busy!~" Val said and not seeing it as big deal

"Really!? I though you must be mad at me..." Dad said and he was like 'really, you're not mad'

"No, this is alright!" Val said again and smile

"..........Thanks. I'll promise that I'll take you to amusement park next week. Right now I gotta go. Bye, sweetie. Love you!~" Dad said and hang up

"Hm! Bye!~" Val said

".....................It be hard for Shu that his parents can't give him enough time because of their work." Val mumbled and thinking about how hard it for Shu when he needs someone with him for support or love. She knows that Shu loves this dad and mom a lot and wants to spend more time with them but he just couldn't.

"No worries! I am always here for Shu when he needs me!~" Val exclaimed happily and trying to cheer up

"Now I gotta leave before I get late again! I am in Shu's body and he never gets late!" Val said and head up to school


Teacher were just keep lecturing. It was maths class and Val was late again

"Damn Val, you're late." Shu mumbled and feeling stressed out because Val is in his body and she was also late

"*pant* *pant*AM I ON TIME!!" Val yelled as burst open door of class

"Huh? Shu, you're late. This is first time I see you're late on class." Teacher said and shocked that the great Shu kurenia is late.

"Huh!? Oh yeah...I overslept because.......I was doing homework all night." Val lied and trying to act cool

"....I didn't give any homework yesterday." Teacher said and making a face like "really?"

"Aah!? Then I was busy............arguing with Lui at 'supreme four chat group' !!" Val lied again and everyone start laughing

"Damn you Val!!" Shu blushing angrily as hiding his face and soo embarrassed

"....OK? Take you're seat." Teacher sweat drop

"Ehehe..." Val laugh awkwardly and sit down

"Now tell me answer of this one. What is awnser of '4 (x+3) + 9 - 5'" Teacher asked and look at class. Some students raise their hands and some don't.

"Huh!? Val? You know that answer?" Teacher asked Shockley because Val raise her hand.

"Yes, sir." Shu said as he was in Val's body and it was a easy question for him.

".....Okay, then tell me the answer. Not cringy one." Teacher said and mumbled late part

"Its answer is 32..." Shu said normally

"You're r-right. Its a great day! You give right answer! You been studying really hard! I am proud of you Val! Keep it up!!~ ✨✨✨" Teacher said tear up from happiness

"Hm..." Val pout and annoyed by this behavior

"Thank you?" Shu said and don't really get what he does was so special.

At bet club

"Woah! Val, when did you start studying?" Rantro asked and look at Val

"I-I.........Was that problem so hard?" Shu said and didn't really saw it as very hard problem

"No, but it was amazing as you never answer any question!" Rantro said and laught

"Yeah! You also never does homework, always for to do assignment, always be late for school, sleeps in classes, draw in your note book." Wakiya listing all things and insulting Val

"......So true." Shu think and seeing everything Wakiya saying is right

"And you also never eats with decline. But today you're eating with full manners." Daigo said and seeing Val sitting like a proper lady

"Ehh!? I-its just..." Shu flinch and sweat drop.

"Most weird think is Shu never eats like a animals. But today...." Wakiya said as everyone look at Val eating her lunch like a mess

"...What!?" Val said as her mouth full with food

"......This is getting weirder. Are you guys hiding something." Daigo said and looks at Val and Shu

"Um..." Shu and Val both sweat drop and backing away

"Now if I think of its really weird. You guys are surly hiding something." Rantarop said sense something is wrong

"...*sigh* Fine." Val said and give up


"YOU GUYS BODY SWAP!?" Everyone expect Val AMD Shu yelled from top of their lungs

"Shhh...Keep it down!" Shu said seriously and put finger on his mouth

"Why didn't you guys tell us earlier!" Wakiya said sassily

"Because we thought you guys won't belive." Shu said and eating

"That's makes sense..." Kesu said and agreed

"We gotta find a way to-" Val was about to said something but then heard a harsh voice

"Hey!! Val Aoi!! I challenge you for a battle!" Lui yelled and behind them

"Oh God.....We f**led up." Shu mumbled and know he is dead meat now.

"Hello, twinkle toes!~" Zac was also with him.

"Huh!? Zac what you both doing here?" Val asked and confused

"Lui is here to challenge Val for a battle and I am here to enjoy!~" Zach said and smile at them.

"....I can't. I am busy right now." Shu said and he was in Val's body. Means he have to fight Lui. Its not like he can't fight Lui, its just he have to battle Lui with Valtryek.

"Busy with messing around with this idiots!! I am not here for excuse! Battle me!!" Lui glare and dead serious as showing his hey Luinor to Val aka Shu

"......Um, how about I batlle you some other day." Shu said and awkward face

"No! I wanna battle Now!! Show me what you got, Aoi!" Lui said and glare more as he really wanna rip Val off limb by limb

"Well, Val said she don't wanna battle! Why your forcing her!!" Rantaro yelled and trying to defend his friend

"No one ask you, weakling!" Lui yelled at Rantaro

"A-Aah!? Okay! Then I shut up." Rantaeo said and don't wanna mess with Lui

"Now!! Val! Take out your bet!" Lui said and look at Shu

"Gah! Fine!" Shu said annoyingly and take out Valtryek

"This is first battle. Get ready." Daigo said as Lui and Shu take position.

"3....2....1 Let it rip!!" Both Lui and Shu launch their beys

"Luinor!! Lighting launch!!" Lui said as Luinir attack Valtryek

"Valtryek! Rush launch!!" Shu said but Valtryek didn't do anything

"Huh!? Why Valtryek is not listening to Shu! I mean Val!" Besu said and confused.

"Because Valtryek knows its Shu not Val." Daigo said and look at them

"Really!?" Rantaro asked and not sure about this theory

"Yes, Every beybladw is connected to its owners soul. Even if Shu is in Val's body. He is still not Val." Wakiya said and seeing it as reason.

"Then Shu is gonna lose!" Val said and now worried for Shu

"Hahahahahahah! Your still so weak! Attack Luinor!" Lui said as Luinor attack Valtryek violently and Valtryek burst

"Luinor wins with a burst finish. Lui wins this match!" Daigo announce the winner.

"Tch! It was no fun! What happens to your beyblading, You Flatty." Lui said and insulting Val

"HEY!! 💢" Val yelled angrily at Lui but she was in Shu's body so Zac and Lui thought Shu yelled.

"Clam down, Shu. You know Lui is Lui." Zac make a face and trying to clam Shu aka Val.

"Tch! I didn't said something wrong. she is flat and pretty bad blader." lui insults her more

"Hm!! 💢💢💢" Val was very furious and wanna kill Lui

"You're just like you're best friend! Weak and nothi -" Lui was about to say something but someone punch him right in face cuz him fall down

"No one can talk sh*t about me and my Val!! We don't give a f**k about you, little stupid a** jerk!" Shu glare at Lui and his eyes glowing

"Hm! Huh!? Woahhhh!" val blushes because Shu said 'my Val' but then surprised as Shu grab her hand and drag her out

".......What just happened?" Zac asked everyone and have no clue what just happen

"No idea." Everyone said expect Lui and confused as well

Later at school's basement

Shu pinned Val on wall but its was weird as Shu was in Val's body. Its felt like he can't even pins her properly

"....Um, Shu?" Val asked and don't know what he's doing

" ......Val! You're beautiful! Don't let that jerk insult you!" Shu said and he was serious. For him Val was beautiful and amazing person. He loves Val no matter what.

"Heh!~ Thanks, Shu." Val said and blush a little as look into Shu's eyes

"........*chu~*" Shu also looking into her eyes as lean slowly and kiss her passionately

"Um~ Aah!~ Shu?~" Val kiss back and closed her eyes then Shu start kissing even harder and hungrily

" Val~" Shu mumbled through kiss and make Val's hands lay on boobs

"Hm!?~" Val was confused by his action and shivers. Shu pull away and leaving trail of saliva

"Heh!~ You're enjoying it! Don't ya!~" Shu said and start rubbing his cock

"Aah!?~ What are you doing?~" Cal moan as shivers more.

"Shh!~" Shu keep rubbing as start licking and nibbling Val's neck.

"Aah!?~ Shu!~" Val squeal and moan a bit.

Shu take off Val's pink shirt and start biting and licking his nipple.

"Aahh!?~ ngh!?" Val moan more and drool a little because Shu biting it hardly

"Its feels weird to making out with my own body. But feels good to know Val's in my body!~" Shu thought as keeping biting and licking as leaves some small hickeys on Val's chest and neck

"Ngh!~ hmm!~ aah?~" Val keep moaning and feeling wet

"Wet already?~" Shu said seductively as slide his hand inside Val's pants and squeezing his cock

"Aahh!?~" Val flinch and moan. It feels weird but also good and presureable. Then Shu open pant and take off his boxer as.start licking and sucking it.

"Aaah!~ ahhh!~ Shu!~" Val moaning mess and feeling his kness so weak. Then came into his mouth

"*gulp*" Shu shallow it and licking his fingers.

"Aah!~ I-I...can't!~" Val mumbled and slowly bent on her knees and sit down.

"Let's just go at best part, shall we?~" Shu said and take off his clothes and touching Val's small titts and let on his laps.

"Huh!? Hm-aah!~"Val surprised because Shu garb back of her head and make her suck boobs.

"Aah!~ Come on, Val! Its you're own boobs!~" Shu said and get in position.

"Ready?~" Shu said seductive and smirk

"W-what!?" Val asked and look at him with weak and blushing face.

"For this!~" Shu said and went inside Val and start bouncing.

"Aah!~ Ahhh!~"


"Zzzz...*snore* Zzzz *snore*" Val was sleeping and get her female body back

"Zzz...Zzz...Zzz." Shu was also sleeping with Val on his arms. Well they make out then Val was slept because she was exhausted. So Shu put back their clothes and carry her to his house.

"Hm? Val..?" Shu wake up slowly and see Val sleeping peaceful as smile.

".....*chu* I love you!~" Shu said as kiss her cheek.

"L..ove...y..ou..too.." Val mumbled in sleep and smile a little too

"Ehehe!~ I know!~" Shu said and hug her more as went in sleep again

(.........Fine! I know I am bad at lemon and it was cringe! Sorry for late update and if you don't like it. I'll try more harder to lemons for now on. (ToT))

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